At IP Rivert LTD we strongly believe in supplying visibility and an in-depth understanding of current Cyber security defenses and vulnerabilities.  We focus on closing all the vulnerability gaps and keeping defenses validated with no disruption to networks. We believe in Offering full  risk detection and elimination and working with any mitigation system to provide end to end full coverage. Supporting organizations in avoiding downtime and closing on any vulnerabilities before an attack happens. We offer Cyber security solutions in four angles as follows:

Application Delivery Controllers:

Whether its 2:00 AM or peak traffic time, your network and its mission-critical applications must run fast and flawlessly. Any interruptions in availability, performance or security immediately impacts employee productivity, business reputation, and revenues.

Radware’s application delivery load balancing solutions deliver these services in the most cost-effective way, to ensure the fastest return on investment

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Web Application Protection 

Web Application Firewall (WAF), ensures fast, reliable and secure delivery of mission-critical Web applications for corporate networks and in the cloud. Our Solution is an ICSA Labs certified and PCI compliant WAF that combines positive and negative security models to provide complete protection against web application attacks, web application attacks behind CDNs, API manipulations, advanced HTTP attacks (slowloris, dynamic floods), brute force attacks on login pages and more

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DDoS Mitigation Solutions

Also called Distributed Denial of Service attack, This is a cyber-attack in which the perpetrator seeks to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users by temporarily or indefinitely disrupting services of a host connected to the Internet.

DDoS attacks can result in website and network outages, compromised data, and lost revenue for organizations both large and small.
DDoS attacks have become a commodity. Thanks to the availability of DDoS-as-a-Service tools on the Darknet, the increased vulnerability of IoT devices and the resulting rise of botnets, and financially-motivated hackers launching ransomware campaigns, DDoS assaults have never been as common, powerful or profitable. DDoS protection and DDoS mitigation solutions have never been more important


Performance & Data Analytics

All your applications, sensors, systems, web servers and other technology infrastructure generate data every millisecond of every day. This machine data is one of the fastest growing, most complex areas of big data. It’s also one of the most valuable, containing a definitive record of user transactions, customer behavior, sensor activity, machine behavior, security threats, fraudulent activity and more. 

We give you  the most advanced unified BSM (Business Service Management) and IT Performance Analytics Platform on the market today. These solutions help you unlock the hidden value of your data. And with the ability to bring in insights from your other tools, you can get value from the full spectrum of your data, not just a sub-set. Now you can collect, index, search, analyze and visualize all your data in one place …Read More…